You walk with vigor and your steps feel light. If you're sitting, your shoulders are relaxed away from your ears and you are sitting upright without slouching.

Could Poor Posture Cause Pain?
Some of the more common results of poor posture include:
- The forward head posture causes increased tension in the muscles below the skull, in the neck and shoulder area, and the upper back. This often contributes to headaches, fatigue, neck pain, and shoulder pain.
- The shoulders roll forward and the pectoral muscles in the chest become tight and shorten. At the same time, the muscles between the shoulder blades weaken and lengthen. This can be a factor in chest pain, shoulder pain, pain along the inner arm and elbow, and upper back pain.
- It is difficult to breathe deeply, and the resulting shallow breathing leads to increased fatigue.
- The normal spinal curvature can change from the neck to the low back. This can lead to pain anywhere along the spine.
Sit Better to Feel Better.
Let Dynamic Health Chiropractic LLC Lead You to a Healthier Lifestyle.