How Can Dr. Kane Help You with Stress?
Physical Stress
Chiropractic: Pain relief is just one benefit of chiropractic. It also helps to remove nerve interference so that the brain and every cell, tissue, and organ in the body communicate better. When the nervous system functions optimally, you can move through life with greater ease.
Acupuncture: Known for its analgesic effects, acupuncture is remarkably effective for pain control.
Hypnosis: Find a simpler way to take control of your health. Most people find that hypnosis makes lifestyle changes such as exercising and improving their diet easier than ever before.
Nutrition: A healthy diet leads to more energy and decreases the level of inflammation in the body, ultimately decreasing pain levels over time.
Emotional Stress
Chiropractic: Prolonged pain can be emotionally draining and exhausting. Chiropractic helps to relieve pain naturally.
Acupuncture: Stress relief is a common "side effect" of acupuncture treatments, and certain acupuncture points can lead to a release of stored emotions.
Hypnosis: The emotional stress that worries, fears, and addictions cause can be changed through hypnosis, while opening you up to a life of possibilities.
Nutrition: The foods that you eat affect your emotions in multiple ways, but one of the most direct connections is with serotonin levels. Serotonin affects mood, sleep, appetite, and pain levels, and about 95% of serotonin is created in the gut from the healthy foods you eat.
Mental Stress
Chiropractic: When your brain gets more blood and oxygen, you can think more clearly. Spinal adjustments and corrective exercises help to improve posture, allowing you to breathe more deeply and fully oxygenate all tissues in the body, including the brain.
Acupuncture: Every acupuncture point has a physical, emotional, and mental component.
Hypnosis: The thoughts you think can increase your stress levels. It is common for people to worry or obsess about their jobs, relationships, health, finances, and other issues. Hypnosis helps you to look at solutions rather than problems.
Nutrition: Mental clarity and focus improve when you give your body all the essential nutrients it needs to grow and repair.